CINORG, Tamale, Ghana

Welcome to our website

 Welcome to Children In Need Organization website!

Children In Need Organization (CINORG) was organized to provide shelter, food, good health and better education to orphaned, abandoned and street children, to improve the quality of lives of the under-privileged children. We are non-profit organization who aimed at providing a good enabling environment for the unfortunate ones whom we have considered needy.

We work in the Northern Region of Ghana, in the city Tamale. We cooperate with local and foreign donors and volunteers. CINORG carries on an orphanage for children up to 15 years of their age.

Visitor's notice

We are glad to welcome you to our pages. We appreciate your time spent with us and your feelings for African children. Feel free to contact us with your questions, suggests and comments.


10/09/2009 17:02

Volunteers and donors

Are you interested to visit our orphanage? Do you want to give us your helping hand? Become our volunteers or donors. Please contact us at (English and Slovak).
10/09/2009 16:10

Website launched

Our new website has been launched today. We are proud to welcome you and to introduce you our organization and its activities. We hope you enjoy your stay here. Please feel free to contact us anytime.

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